雅卓安全地板的方案-Altro Safety Flooring Solution

雅卓安全地板的方案-Altro Safety Flooring Solution



The UK zhuo floor to provide education,medical care, retail, leisure and service industries and food & Drink Industry to prevent slippery floor of the best choice:




Safety first-But stylish too

Function and design without compromiss  

On matters of safety in the workplace,there’s no question of compromise.But we also know that our customers are also want to other benefits-such as a set of attractive designs and colors, easy maintenance, good health performance and outstanding durability. We collected all these factors of development the safety floor there are you to want to all safe and smart. One For hospital, airport, schools, hotels, factories and offices, Altr safety floor is safe choice, suitable for the host district, expert

Way, corridor and public occasion.



Our safety secret

We use a unique building technology to create a Altro safety floor. In the thickness of the it contain the mineral grains have senior flexible vinyl. When the feet of floor surface, contact with the pressure compression vinyl, mineral grains will launch the surface. Provide sliding resistance. When pressure is released, floor surface will be restored to its original shape.


由于两个特别的制造过程,Altro安全地板在经过几年的坚硬服务后还会保持很好的状态。根据保持表现和容易清洁,Altro易清洁Maxis工艺学和Altro易清洁工艺学都被独立的证明胜过其他的竞争产品。没有其他制造商可以匹配。同时这个易清洁工艺也让Altro安全地板成为任何一个视卫生为重要因素的地方的理想地板,譬如食品加工,准备和饭厅。想要独立调查研究结果的免费指南,请联系您的Altro经销商或者打联系电话+44 (0) 1462 707600.

Low maintenance- and easy to clean

Since the two special manufacturing process, Altro safety floor in after years of hard service, will still keep a good state. According to keep performance and easy to clean, Altro easy clean Maxis technology and Altro easy clean technology are independent proof is better than other competitive products. No other manufacturer can match. At the same time the easy clean technology also let Altro safety floor become any a depending on the health of the important factors for the ideal place, such as food processing, floor preparation and dining room.

Want to independent investigation results of the study’s free guides, please contact your dealer or Altro play contact phone number + 44 (0) 1462 707600.




Altro brings you interior surfaces that deliver a safe flooring solution, whilst creating stylish, soil- hiding and stimulating environments for the education sector. We offer a wide range of colour options to suit any mood and application – from entrance foyers and corridors to sports halls and classrooms. With slips and trips costing millions per year in litigation, a flooring solution that has safety as its top priority is essential. Our patented construction of flexible, high-grade vinyl incorporating mineral grains throughout the thickness, not only delivers slip resistance and a durable surface, but also peace of mind.


雅卓安全地板是任何医院和医疗保健设计计划的一个重要的和值得骄傲的部分。它被设计成去配合您的品味,不管在哪里使用,在坚硬操作范围,它是您理想的地板,譬如病人治疗室,卫生间,洗衣房和水疗法水池。就像您会期望的,Altr0安全范围包括禁止细菌生 长,传染和把交叉感染减到最小的风险的固有卫生学质量。如此一来您就可以放心,您将满足您的关心义务和卫生学标准, 同时经过多年的使用还会保持很好的状态的地板。

Medical care

Altro safety flooring takes pride of place in any hospital and healthcare design scheme. It is designed to live up to your sense of style, no matter where it is used, making it ideal for hard working areas such as patient treatment rooms, bathrooms, laundries and hydrotherapy pools. As you would expect, the Altro safety range has inherent hygiene qualities that inhibit bacterial growth and minimise the risk of MRSA infection and cross contamination. So you can rest assured that you will satisfy your duty of care and hygiene standards, with flooring which stays looking good for years to come.



Retail, leisure and service industries

For retail and interior safety flooring with impact,Altro offers a complete range of contemporary, traditional, minimalist and striking flooring solutions Durability, comfort under foot and hygienic surfaces are amongst the qualities that make Altro flooring perfect tor leisure areas such as showers, changing rooms and pool surrounds.


在过去的五十年,饮食产业使用并证实了Altro安全地板。我们独特的专利建造给油腻和潮湿的环境提供了一个理想的具有滑动抵抗性和耐久性的表面,同时提供了一个实现最高卫生学和维护标准的表面。无论是使用在面包店,酒吧,厨房或者储藏室,对于任何饮食准备和处理的规划,Altro地板都有一个解答。Altro安全地板经过了一套国内和国际的滑动测试方法,包括DlN51130Ramp测试,TRRL Pendulum和ASTM D2047 James测试。根据英国滑动小组的TRRL摆锤测试,所有Altro安全地板产品都达到了一个滑动低潜在性的等级。另外,所有Altro安全地板产品都达到R1O或更高,根据DlN51130,K30达到R12

Food & Drink Industry

Altro safety flooring has been put through its paces by the Food & Drink industry for the past 50 years Our unique patented construction provides a slip resistant and durable suriace that is ideal for use in greasy and wet environments, whilst providing a surface that performs to the highest standards of hygiene and maintenance. Whether used in bakeries, bars, kitchens or storerooms, Altro has a solution for any project where food and drink is prepared or processed. Altro safety flooring has been tested to a range of national and international slip test methods including DIKI 51130 Ramp Test, TRRL Pendulum and ASTM D2047 James test, All Altro safety flooring products achieve a classification of ‘Low Potential for Slip’ with the TRRL pendulum according to the UK Slip Resistance Group. In addition, all Altro safety flooring products achieve an R10 0r higher, wlth K30 achieving an R12 according to DIN 51130.



We‘ve got it coverde  

There’an Altro safety flooring solution to suit every application . From suit reception area, welcome area and waiting room of the beautiful, sliding resistance to the surface for preparation areas, service corridor and washing room of the practical application of surface. All matching of welding seam and auxiliary parts together create actually seamless facilities.



Altro give you only of the floor

All you need to do to fast and the last of the pen can get from one of the most Altro industry is one of the name of the trust.Altro fast installation the bottom floor and auxiliary parts include moistureproof film, audio underlay, adornment modelling, steps, welding rod and adhesive noise, let you do more easy. Altro technical team always have time to discuss your requirements.


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